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Eight intriguing articles from June.

From the depths of neuroscience's secrets to the mysteries of canine vision—and from the intricate web of JavaScript promises to the historical tapestry of emoji origins—this month's collection, curated by Stefan Imbesi, is a testament to the human spirit's insatiable quest for knowledge.

Just as a dog discerns colours beyond our perception and a developer unravels the intricacies of asynchronous code, each article in this edition invites you to delve deeper. In this issue, we celebrate curiosity as the driving force behind innovation and understanding. Prepare to be inspired, informed, and intrigued as we explore new dimensions of thought and possibility. Get ready to immerse yourself in a captivating journey with Super8 in June.

1. What your dog sees (with Cleo Abram).

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Dogs don’t see the world in black and white! Turns out, they have their own unique, albeit limited, colour spectrum thanks to having just two types of cone cells. The real fun started when scientist Jay Neitz trained his toy poodle, Retina, to ‘boop’ coloured disks in exchange for treats. After a year of testing, he discovered dogs can distinguish between blues and yellows, but struggle with reds and greens. So, while dogs may miss some colours, their sense of smell more than makes up for it, painting an aromatic masterpiece of the world around them!

2. Want to get smarter? Neuroscience says 1 uncomfortable habit will help you learn faster and retain more.

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Neuroscience has a nifty trick to help you learn faster: embrace a bit of discomfort. But don't worry, you get to pick your own challenge! Whether it's mixing up your study routine, testing yourself, or even just getting more sleep, there are plenty of ways to boost your brainpower. The secret sauce? Keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. If you’ve mastered something, move on to the next challenge. This way, you'll bulk up your brain, learn faster, and remember more. So, keep learning new things and stay just a little bit uncomfortable!

3. Promises from the ground up.

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Josh Comeau unravels the complexities of JavaScript Promises, tackling the speed bumps and potholes that exist on the road to proficiency. Promises are the backbone of asynchronous code in modern web APIs (application programming interfaces, for the uninitiated), but understanding them requires a deep dive into JavaScript’s inner workings. Here, Josh breaks down the essentials, providing context and clarity to help you master promises. This is a must-read for anyone looking to elevate their JavaScript skills and navigate the maze of asynchronous programming with confidence.

4. On building trust, not checklists.

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Think processes are just boring checklists? Think again! Processes bring predictability and clarity to chaotic workdays. They make your thinking visible and help teams speak the same language. Scaling a company? Processes are your best friend, ensuring everyone’s on the same page and ready to tackle challenges. But beware, not every process fits every team. It's all about finding the balance between following steps and thinking critically. Remember, blindly following a process won’t magically solve problems. The best designs come from trust and creativity, not rigid rulebooks!

5. How to be clear with your brand positioning.

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Brand positioning is definitely one of the more sophisticated marketing concepts. Imagine your brand as a ship navigating through a sea of competitors. You need a clear, concise position to avoid getting lost. Keep it short and sweet, like ‘Snickers satisfies hunger.’ Remember, it’s not necessarily about being unique; it’s about being relatively better than your rivals. This piece suggests it’s helpful to embrace the three C’s: what customers want, what competitors offer, and what your company can deliver. Stick to this strategy, and your brand will sail smoothly through the crowded market waters.

6. ‘Juice’: what it is and why you need it.

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Add some Juice! Juice is all about those delightful extras—like the satisfying chime sound that plays when Mario collects a mushroom. It’s non-essential but oh-so-satisfying, reinforcing actions and giving users a sense of reward. Think bouncy animations, haptic feedback, and cheerful sounds that make your interface feel alive and responsive. Juice teaches, delights, and connects emotionally. But beware—too much Juice and your design might backfire. Squeeze it wisely to enhance a person’s experience and give your interface or product some soul!

7. Emoji history: the missing years.

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Delve into tech nostalgia with Matt Sephton's latest gem. Unearthing relics from the early '90s, Matt explores forgotten Japanese gadgets like the Sharp PI-4000. Surprisingly, this pocket computer from 1994 harboured a secret: an array of emoji predating today's mobile trends. From failed PDAs to quirky word processors, Sephton unravels a digital treasure trove, challenging conventional emoji origins. This playful journey through tech's past reveals more than gadgets—it's a quest to redefine emoji history itself.

8. Breath: the new science of a lost art.

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Here, James Nestor takes us on a lung-expanding journey beyond the ordinary. From ancient burial grounds to clandestine Soviet experiments, James unearths the lost secrets of breathing. Forget pulmonology labs; this piece dives into the mystical realms of Pranayama and Tummo, revealing how tweaking our breath can turbocharge health and vitality. This isn't just about oxygen—it’s a mind-bending exploration of how a simple inhale-exhale can reshape our bodies and minds. Blend ancient wisdom with cutting-edge science to redefine the very essence of breathing and prepare to inhale knowledge like never before!

How we use imagery in Super8

The images used in Super8 are included on our website as a reference to the article they appear in. They have been drawn from the linked article. They are used on our website solely for the purpose of providing educational insights to our community of Super8 readers. If, after reading this disclaimer you believe your rights are being infringed by the use of the image, you are welcome to contact us at